Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tips on Poker Tells- What the opponents are telling you?

If a player knew about the opponents hand then the poker will be easy to win. If you notice the players they tell you about their hands whether it is weak or strong hand. Concentration plays an important role in the poker. When you play at a casino, you would be able to know about the opponents hand. But, when you play online from home, it is not possible to know the body language and reactions of the opponents. You need a prepare yourself while reading the opponents reactions. You cannot concentrate on the opponents reactions and your cards simultaneously. When you are ready to read the opponents reactions then fold your hand and now concentrate on the opponents tells. The good point about the online poker is that you can make accurate notes about the opponents which you cant find with the casino poker. Chatting is another feature that online poker provides. The tells of opponents can be found by their messages.

Poker Tips

This is a collection of poker rules and tips made by Mike Sexton, commentator for World Poker Tour.
  • Watch who is playing aggressively or who is playing tight and who is playing loose game. Be careful with the tight players and try to play with loose players unless you have a strong hand. 
  • Watch the chips count of your opponents and your chips. Do not play with the player with more chips than you. You may loose all your chips playing with him. 
  • Playing with only one Ace card is not preferable. Ace should be accompanied with same suit or 10 or higher.
  • If you have a strong hand then bet higher. Some players try to keep all their chips in one bet. 
  • Be patient while playing the game. Don't reveal your reactions to the opponents when you view your cards.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Betting terms in the poker

In a poker tournament a player calls a bet by keeping exact amount of money that the previous player kept. If a player calls 2$ and if the next player wants to call the previous player then he has to bet with the same amount that the previous player has called. A player can fold his hand by keeping his cards on the table. He has to surrender his cards to the dealer until the round completes. A player can raise his previous bet by keeping double the previous bet. A player can pass his turn without betting, if he is the first player to bet. This is known as Check.

Basics terms for poker

There a some poker rules that has to be known before starting the poker. A player hand is the cards that the player holds. A pot contains the money bet by the players in the game. Some rounds are conducted, the winner of any round wins that money as a prize. If two players have the equal hand then the pot is equally distributed among them. If it cant be exactly distributed, then the remaining amount will be given to the player who kept the highest bet. Ante is the bet that is made by the players before the cards are distributed. After the last round of poker, a showdown occurs. The players must show their cards and compare them with five-card. 

Texas Hold'em Strategies tips

To become a great Texas Hold'em player, you should be able to read your opponents strategies and their cards. There are some basic poker rules and strategies to find out this. The two cards that you hold are the major cards that makes you different from other players and may give you a win. The opponent tries to read your reactions when you evaluate your cards. Control your reactions when you view at your cards. After the flop, don't afraid to cut your lose. In a sever player game, the two players generally will have the big hand. If you dont have the high hand, it is better to get out of the hand. The game becomes more aggressive if many players go down.  

Rules of Limit Poker

There are a certain poker rules for playing no-limit game. In no-limit poker, when your turn comes for putting bet, you are allowed to put all the chips, that you have infront of you. Like in movies, you cannot put your car keys, bearer bonds in game. You cannot put your hand in the wallet for cash. You have to play with the cash that is available on your table. No-limit poker is more dangerous than the limit poker. It can make you bankruptcy. It all depends on what stakes you play.

Five Card Poker Rules

There are special poker rules for five card poker game. The game starts with the player to left of dealer putting half bet called small blind. The player to his left puts full bet called big blind. The aim of game is to make your hand the best hand. The game starts clockwise from big blind. Players can call, raise or fold. During this action, big blind can call, raise or fold. In some five card, some players doesnt put blinds. To bet in the game, a player must have a pair of jacks atleast. If all players decline to put bet then the game will restart.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Texas Hold'em Tournaments Rules

Texas Hold'em tournament is the mostly played tournaments. There are some poker rules to play these tournaments. All the players must be present at the table when the dealt is made. If the player is not present at the table when the second dealt starts, his hand will be considered dead. As the players get eliminated the director starts removing the tables. If your table is removed you will be assigned an empty seat at any of the remaining tables. Showing the card intentionally is illegal in the tournament and the hand can be ruled out and also a penalty is issued. Throwing cards is punishable in the play.

Texas Hold's Rules

Texas Hold'em poker tournaments are the majorly played tournaments in the world. Every day thousands and thousands of player try their luck in the game. Player who are lucky enough will earn money and some who are not lucky will lose the money. Every player before playing the poker tournament an entry fee of 5%-10% has to be paid for providing the tables, dealers and for administering game. A seat will be assigned to the player and a card is given with the table and seat number on card. Always check your chips twice before starting the stack. The tournament rules differ from cash games. The blinds increase in the regular intervals. It is better to know about the blind structure before playing the game. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

poker Tournaments

Poker tournaments have become a world wide game in recent years. Many people give the credit to the online poker. Poker tournaments have playing an important role in the rapid growth. Big tournaments have received a lot attention of media. As the prize money is very high it made a normal player a super star. To improve the winning of online poker tournaments you must learn the rules and strategies of poker. To win a huge amount of money, a small amount of entry fee has to be paid. Online poker attracted a large amount of people because of its huge prize money. Look for the tournaments which give a huge prize money.

poker Special Tournaments

Poker tournaments that are organised by casino sites in different versions. There can be a slow game or a fast game. or can be a limit game or no limit game. When playing a poker tournaments there are a lot of versions to choose which include poker bonus. A poker hand involve luck and skill whereas poker tournament involves more skills than luck. If you are a beginner it is better to go for a slow poker which increases your skills more. Poker tournaments gives a huge amount of money as a prize. Some players leave the game because of bankruptcy. While playing the game one has to watch the other players to get the information about their hands.  

Avoid Being A Loser

Even though you have hardly played before you will have some sort of preconceived notion of how to play and you will be playing with a strategy. All the best players have a conscious strategy that they know might work for them, so it is a good idea to watch them and how they play to get a good idea of what works for them. Watch them especially closely when you have folded. Poker tells say that even if you are not in the game, observe the players who play the game.

Avoid at all costs tilt

 You must learn that bad things happen before you play poker tournaments. You lose in bad situations or bad game of your opponents will be paid. It is difficult to accept, but I am completely used to it. Tilt destroys your bankroll. At least what you should do is learn to recognize when you are in the tilt and stop playing. If you can avoid these sessions when you're mad or drunk and waste a large sum of money, your chances to return to the winning time is very good.

Advantages Of Playing Poker Online

Another privilege is the accessibility to multiple screens or multi tabling that enables the player to join as many games as he likes. This makes it necessary for the player to concentrate when he has great fun getting several deals. The practice mode and promotional offers are great opportunities for professional poker as well as amateurs to hone their skills. Beginners can test and improve themselves while the more analytical experts may try out new moves. An amateur who easily gives himself away through his facial expressions and posture is safe.

About Texas Hold’em

Poker tournaments in Texas Hold’em, initially the players are to place the required blinds and all players receive two down cards which are hidden till the time of the final showdown. These are known as the holes or the poker card. Successively the first two cards are dealt followed by betting. Here the player can cal raise or fold like the regular poker games. After the betting round the top card of the deck is discarded known as burning. It’s a prevention method against cheating. This is followed by turning over of three cards from the deck known as the community cards, also called the flop a fourth card is hence dealt after the betting known as the turn card. Lastly after another round of betting the fifth card is dealt known as the river card. A last round of betting is subsequently followed.

About Poker Psychology

Mind is such a powerful tool in analyzing everything so quickly, such that a professional poker can use it to understand the psychology of the opposite player and tries to build strategy around him. This is an important mechanism and differentiates normal player from the professional one. The winning person acts and moves in the proper direction and gets success within the short span of time with help of his better psychology. You don’t have to be the best in this game instead you should bluff your opponents and make them think that you are having a best hand. Important thing is that you must have desire. You must work for hours in analyzing the moves of the opponents. Some consistent effort is needed to excel.

About Poker Bluffing

Poker tournaments requires more skills in the player. Bluffing the players at poker is a true art and it requires lot of skill at the game. Some people build reputation and are called by that reputation only because of their bluffing skills. However, you should remember that you cannot bluff all the time and mainly with the people who knows about your bluffing strategy.

There are many players who do not bluff and so they make the game difficult for themselves. It is ok to get caught when you are bluffing. You can win money at the pots even though you do not bluff, but remember that winning every pot is not important, the money you win from the pot is more important.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Basics of Poker Tells

In poker tells, a tell may be a physical reaction, a behavior, or a habit that reveals other players more information about your cards. If you know the common tells, you can also watch your behavior as to not reveal your body language. If you can know your opponent's tells, you can become the perfect player.

The player may act as if he is not interested in his cards even if he has a strong hand. The players hand may shake even if he has a strong hand. Some players even try to control shakes, but it is hard to control when he gets a pocket ace. When you see a player chest rising or falling, he may have a strong hand.

A player who say they have a weak hand may pretend as if they have a strong hand. Some inexperienced players hold their breadth if they try to bluff.

Ten Tips On Poker Tells ( Contd....)

6. Glance Chips:
           It is related to eyes. The players glance at chips very quickly if they contact with board after flop.

7. On Flop Throw a Glance on Hole Cards:
           Players will have a look at the hole cards, for example, if the board shows potential 3 cards flush draw. The player looks to see if any of the cards are connecting, because he remembers that his two cards are different suits.          

8. Betting Patterns:
           The most of the poker tells say that a player bets at some particular situations. For example, the player frequently checks whether he did the nuts, a player regularly fold even after re-raised.

9. Attitude/Body Posture:
           Some players show changes in their body posture and attitude when they are strong. Their shoulders may lift higher and become attentive if they have a strong hand. Conversely, their shoulders may drop when they have a weak hand.

10. Chip Stacking:
          When you sit down at table, notice the players how they stack their chips.

Ten Tips On Poker Tells

A tell is a clue, behavior, physical reaction of the player that gives other players more information about your game. The following are ten tips on poker tells.

1. Observe the Eyes:
           Many players wear sunglasses or visors while playing as eyes may reveal the cards to the oppenents. For example, a player may post some questions about your hand, so that he can look straight in your eyes as you are honest or not.

2. Facial Expression:
         Many players wear a cap and look downward to cover the expressions on their face. This is because the players may try to study your face for nervousness. When your hand is weak, you may look unhappy and you may look happy when your hand is strong.

3. Strong is Weak/Weak is Strong  
         Players try to act. When they have a strong hand they pretend to be weak and when they a weak hand they pretend to be strong.

4. Anxiety
         Anxiety is seen in people when they hold a strong cards. Physical changes can be observed like chest expanding, voice becoming higher when the player holds strong cards. You can see muscles flexing, dilation of eye pupil, dry throat when he holds weak cards. Top players stare at the vein on face to see changes in blood pressure.

5. Trembling Hands:
         Beware of player whose hand is shaking. The nervousness may be big hand.

Top Poker Tells

Poker tells are the most important aspects of poker. While playing the poker, it is very crucial to observe the opponents to get clues on the cards they hold and the actions they may take. Even when you are not involved in the game, you should observe the expressions of the opponent and you can also try to guess the poker hands before their showdown. You will become more accurate. Betting reveals the important tell when playing poker.

In live poker game, some players gives a lot of information through poker tells. Watching TV while playing the game may miss you a lot of information. There are poker tells that are universal and others are unique. A universal poker tell, heart beat increases when holding a good cards. A unique poker tell is like whistling. A player may whistle when he holds a good cards or bad cards. Tells can vary from player to player. So, observing the player is the most important.  

Pokers Tells

Welcome to the premium poker site to learn and discuss the things regarding poker tells. Poker tells means behavior. A poker tell is a behavioral pattern. We have genetically coded responses like when we hear a joke we laugh and when someone scares us our heart rises. Unknowingly we respond to some situations in certain ways.

This site does not help you in learning poker basics like pre-flop strategy or when to slowplay a set. It makes you understand the behavioral which takes your poker game to the next level. In this you will find the information which helps you learn the poker tells which includes the most common poker tells, spotting the poker tells, viewing the online poker tells, poker book reviews.