Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ten Tips On Poker Tells ( Contd....)

6. Glance Chips:
           It is related to eyes. The players glance at chips very quickly if they contact with board after flop.

7. On Flop Throw a Glance on Hole Cards:
           Players will have a look at the hole cards, for example, if the board shows potential 3 cards flush draw. The player looks to see if any of the cards are connecting, because he remembers that his two cards are different suits.          

8. Betting Patterns:
           The most of the poker tells say that a player bets at some particular situations. For example, the player frequently checks whether he did the nuts, a player regularly fold even after re-raised.

9. Attitude/Body Posture:
           Some players show changes in their body posture and attitude when they are strong. Their shoulders may lift higher and become attentive if they have a strong hand. Conversely, their shoulders may drop when they have a weak hand.

10. Chip Stacking:
          When you sit down at table, notice the players how they stack their chips.

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